Monday, 29 July 2013

Scandalous by H.M. Ward

Scandalous (Scandalous, #1)Scandalous by H.M. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cover & Title - 4 out of 5
Favorite Quote - “You make me want you in every possible way. I’ve never wanted to do that so much in my life. Every inch of you is divine, like you were sculpted for me, and me alone.”
Favorite Character - Abby

Let me down slow and easy
Cause there ain't nothin' I can do
I hope and pray my faith won't leave me
When it comes down to me and you

This book was fresh, new and interesting. I was confused, worried almost how the author would manage to take a character from a minister to a sex loving woman. However the build up to the passion, sex.. the love, it was perfect.

You lyin' next to me
Fulfilled some destiny
I wanna cry
But I breathe a sigh

Abby did not come across like some wanton, turn coat hussy. No she was a woman who had missed a chance, a moment that changed her life & not for the better. She was still moral, full of understanding and a lovely character, she evolved throughout the book, she realized, they realized they were meant to be together. She spoke about soul-mates and I can honestly say that is what they felt like (for me) during this story. I was totally involved in their love and i adored it.

Overflow of emotion
And a hurt that'll never heal
If you close the door forever
The fate of pain is sealed

Towards the end of the book when the scandal happens, I was emotional. I was so worried everything was going to go to hell. Thankfully I got my happy ending and it came about in an amazing and moving way.
I am so glad i read this book and i would seriously recommend it. I am dashing of to read the next in the series now!

The lyrics quoted in the review are Breathe a sigh by Def Leppard, view them here, listen to the song here

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Sunday, 28 July 2013

Dangerous by Jax

DangerousDangerous by Jax
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cover & Title - 4 of of 5
Favorite Character - Devon

The last book i read by this author I really struggled to get into and in general i did not enjoy it. The blurb for this book got my attention, it sounded like just the type of book I enjoy. So I put my reservations aside and picked it up, I am glad i did.

There were a few negatives but they were very minor. I want to know more about the world and the morphate’s - I guess they will be mentioned more in books to come. This book was a beginning, a tease almost. I am looking forward to reading more in the series that is for sure.

The characters, chemistry and story all worked for me. I thought the sex scenes and passion between them was hot, it seemed real and it fitted how their characters had been portrayed during the story.

The ending was good but the epilogue, i did a little girly squeal when i read it!

I would recommend this book and read more in the series.

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Friday, 26 July 2013

Fearless by Devon Hartford

FearlessFearless by Devon Hartford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cover & Title - 5 out of 5
Favorite Quote - “Uhh, I thought I saw a gopher.”
He frowned skeptically. “We don’t get a lot of gophers around here.”
“You can never be too careful. Once they get a foothold,” I shook my head dramatically, “they’re a bitch to get rid of.” Why did it suddenly seem like the gopher metaphor referred to Tiffany?"
Favorite Character - Samantha

There was a lot to love about this book as it was packed full of emotion, humor and interesting characters. The story kept me guessing and i was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out. There were a lot of good one liners, i laughed out loud more than a few times. I liked it, i would recommend it & i would read more by this author.

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Friday, 19 July 2013

Real by Katy Evans

Real (Real, Raw & Ripped, #1)Real by Katy Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cover & title - 4 out of 5
Favorite Quote - "I love him He's not just a star, he's the whole fucking sky to me. He's the sun and every planet in this galaxy.
Favorite character - Remy

This is me reading & after I have finished the book.

These are my thoughts and feels about the book and during the book.

I truly felt,


Until you have read it.

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Friday, 12 July 2013

Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones

Escaping Reality (The Secret Life of Amy Bensen, #1)Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my, god.

The sex left me wondering..

Sometimes i was like..

But most of the time i was like..

The ending..

I LOVED this book...

I cannot wait for the next one!

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