My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I heard all the hype about this book so I was really interested in reading it. I was however totally put off by the price (£7.99 for a kindle copy) so you can imagine when someone offered me their copy to read i jumped at the chance.
When i discovered the book was set in Prague I was happy, I have read so many books set in the US & since I've never been there I sometime find it hard to set the scene in my head. I visited Prague a few years ago so it is still fresh enough in my memories to add to the story for me.
I have been avoiding Angel stories as recently i have read ALOT (I am totally vamped out as well).
I also normally do not read books about previous lives - I guess that is because I believe in reincarnation & I generally hate the way authors write about it. Thankfully the way it was wrote & because of the kind of story it is meant that it didn't bother me at all.
I really liked Karou as a character. I like a lead who isn't perfect & doesn't appear to know everything. I also like when a character has struggles & problems - life is never totally easy so I feel that this should apply to books also.
I am planning on pre-ordering the next in the series & i am really looking forward reading to where the story is going.
Three word's i would use to some up this book - Magical, Emotional, Stunning.
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