My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Cover & Title - 4 out of 5
Favorite Character - Nastya
I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.

I started this book with high expectations, ridiculously high. I have been putting off reading it for ages because of how much praise it had received, I didnt not want to be let down.
I finally got some free time to pick it up, a train journey (Glasgow to London). I could tell right from the start... i would say maybe from even the first page that this book was not going to be a disappointment. I started this book & i did not put it down, I am glad i could concentrate on this completely because everything around me faded once i had begun.
The story is not clear, it is not fast paced & it is not what i expected. Yet i absolutely loved it!

I can see why so many people rated it five stars but never wrote a review. It is a seriously hard book to review without spoilers so i am not even going to summarize it just in case i ruin it.
What i can say is, do not read this in front of people if you do not want them to think you are insane. Have tissues handy also.
Be prepared to laugh, smile, cry & maybe even weep. Expect your heart to hurt afterwards and for you to feel like your life has changed slightly.

Beautiful, heart wrenching, moving & mind blowing!
Favorite Line -
“It’s about the dream of second chances,” he says finally. He hasn’t raised his eyes from the paper on his desk and I feel him looking at me without looking when he uses his grandfather’s words. “The narrator doesn’t respect the beauty of life and the world around her, so it crushes her into the ground and once she’s dead, she realizes everything she took for granted and didn’t see right in front of her while she was alive. She’s begging for another chance to live again so she can appreciate it this time.”
“And does she get that chance?” she asks Josh while I desperately focus on the poster of literary terms on the wall and wait for absolution. When it comes, I barely hear it.
“She does.”
I would recommend this book & I would read more by this author.
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