Damaged by
H.M. Ward
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Cover & title - 4 out of 5
Favorite Quote - “Being normal is overrated. Normal gets you what—the dolt husband with the 2.5 kids and the house with the dog? You seriously want that? I mean, one of those kids is going to be really funny looking, by the way, all cut in half like that. Who wants half a kid?”
Favorite character - Sydney
Okay, first thing.. i do not think the ending is a cliff hanger..
An ending to an episode of a serial drama that leaves the audience in suspense.
A story or event with a strong element of suspense.
I was not left with the feeling of suspense.. at all.
I found this book rather frustrating.
I did not manage to "click" with Sydney, she had a few plus points but not enough that I liked her. I really dislike the fact the author did not know her characters name, it constantly changed throughout the book - this drove me nuts.
I kinda thought her friend Millie was a bit of a bitch.. not my idea of a friendship for sure.
I found the way the relationship was "handled" rather stupid. The back and forth, on, off.. whatever.. it did not work for me most of the time.
In the end i did want them to be ok, the relationship to work out, for a bit of positive but in the first book of a series like this i realize i was expecting too much.
It was a quick read and that was a plus, if it had dragged out I would of rated it lower than i did. I also did not want to stop reading so that shows the story wasn't half bad. I will read the next in the series.. to see how things work out and if the writing improves.
Would i recommend it? I really do not know. It wasnt bad but.. I just do not think i can tell someone to spend their money on something i am so undecided about.
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