My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Cover & Title - 5/5
Favorite Line - "You have it all backwards. It's not clinging to someone that ruins everything. It's never grabbing on in the first place" & "I look at him through half-closed eyes, and he's even more gorgeous slightly blurry. He needs to leave. I never want him to leave."
Favorite Character - Marigold.
I wanted to read books by both authors which is why i decided to buy this book. I figured this way i would get a taste of both of their writing styles. I am glad i did as i loved the book :)
It was an emotional roller-coaster of a story. I don't think i realized how deep this book would end up being. It is far more than just a summer read. It is more like a journey - whit's journey to happiness. the characters are awesome, even the secondary character play a huge part in the story. I laughed out loud a few times while reading this book, Marigold was the main reason for this. I wish Marigold was my mum :)
I would recommend this book & i plan on reading more by both authors.
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