These books are free at time of posting - I have read the books I post & I recommend them.
Thirst by Ava-Delaney
To Kill A Warlock by H.P. Mallory
Veiled Eyes by C.L. Bevill
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by H.P. Mallory
Katie's Hellion by Lizzy Ford
Hollowland by Amanda Hocking
Jenny Pox by JL Bryan
Beautiful Sins by Jennifer Hampton
Reckless Magic by Rachel Higginson
Whisper by Chelsea M. Cameron
All of the books i recommend fall into one or more of my favorite types - Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Dystopian, Paranormal Romance or a YA version of one of the previous types.
My book review blog features books in the following genres;
Young adult, New adult, Fantasy, Romance & Erotica.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Angel (Angel, #1) by L.A. Weatherly

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: Angel lovers, PR fans, YA PR Fans
Cover - I don't understand why the model isn't blonde?
Favorite Line - "All of this. Having you. It's worth anything”
Favorite Character - Willow
I really enjoyed this book. I love a bit of doom & gloom :) It is nice having angel antagonists for a change, I get so sick of these lovely dovey heavenly ones (you know the ones that fall inlove with a 16 year old girl even thought they are like 1000? (super creepy)). I also like when the girl is that one that is the 'supe - I don't get why it is almost always the male that has the super power/is the supernatural in books/films.
So i thought the book was well written & well edited. I liked the story, it wasn't just a rinse & repeat of the other angel stories which i have read. The main characters were intense, huge back stories with lots of drama for each of them. The emotions between the pair built up in such a way it felt real & not over the top. I am interested in seeing what else happens to them & were the author goes with the story.
I would recommend this book & I have already bought the next book in the series & plan on reading it soon :)
View all my reviews
Monday, 30 July 2012
Whisper (Whisper Trilogy, #1) by Chelsea M. Cameron

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal.
Cover - Nice 3.5 out of 5
Favorite Line - "Libraries were like churches for me. As far as i was concerned, the secret to happiness could be found in a library."
Favorite Character - Jack
You know, sometimes i wish i could bitch slap fictional characters. Not Anna but some of the others in the book for sure.
I liked this book it was interesting & well written. The story was quite dark at times & always very emotional.
I am not a big fan of ghost books & i am not a YA but i still enjoyed this story. I would recommend this book & plan on reading more in the series
View all my reviews
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I cannot believe how many bad reviews this has?! It is awesomesauce!
Recommended for: PR Fans, YA PR fans, Fantasy Fans, Wolf fans, Shifter Fans
Cover - Love it, creepy & beautiful.
Favorite Line - "Once upon a time," He said in a voice that was velvet thunder, "I killed the girl I love."
Favorite Character - Vivian
So now i understand where about half of the werewolf YA novels i have read got there ideas! Seriously, if i haven't read this story at least 3x this year - problem for the other books is that they did not do it even half as good as this book.
This book sucked me in, within a few pages I was hooked. I devoured this book (90 minutes start to finish, with one pee break :P ).
The story is dark, emotional & gripping. I was so pleased to find a werewolf who acted like i think a werewolf should act - they should be animals not pansies!
I love a strong female protagonist & Vivian fit the bill. Even though at times i thought Vivian was slightly vain i still loved her character. She thoughts & emotions came across so real, i felt them along with her while reading this.
I really think this should be released for the kindle as i think the YA market would kill for this book.
I would recommend this book & i will read more by this author.
View all my reviews
oh no, amazon one click strikes again..
This is what happens when i go on goodreads & look at my recommendations... these books, in paperback form are now winging their way to me.
Wondrous Strange
Mortal Kiss
Die For Me
Beg For Mercy
Low Red Moon
Beautiful Creatures
Wondrous Strange
Mortal Kiss
Die For Me
Beg For Mercy
Low Red Moon
Beautiful Creatures
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Fall From Grace by Christine Zolendz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: PR Fans
Cover - It's ok. 2 of of 5.
Favorite lines - "Yeah, listen you should really stop now, because I'm betting on the smartest think that ever could come out of your mouth is a penis." & "Shane, I would probably get pregnant from you just telling me the things you do."
Favorite Character - Grace
So i just want to put this out there - I pretty much detest angel books & past lives books. You would think because of this that i wouldn't of like the book but surprisingly i actually did.
I wasn't expecting much from the book after reading blurb, it sounded like a easy read so I picked it up from amazon as a freebie. It was an easy read but certainly not a boring one. Even though i figured out roughly where the story was going i was still hooked & left wanting more after the cliff hanger ending.
I liked finding out about Grace piece by piece. I also liked the build up between Grace & Shane. I laughed quite a few times reading this book, it had some really killer lines in it.
I would recommend this book & I will pick up the next book in the series when it comes out.
View all my reviews
Monday, 23 July 2012
Dark Surrender by Mercy Walker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: PR Fans
Cover - It is sexy without being in your face or crass.
Favorite Character - Min
I was pleasantly surprised by how good this book it. I haven't read anything else by this author so i had my fingers crossed with this one before i read it.
There is a lot going on in this story, about half way through i thought that it must be the end of the book but then it continued almost like a part two. It was cool.
There were sex scenes in this book, they were well written & sexy. The sex wasn't a major factor in this book, the relationships are the bigger thing. It is a paranormal romance not a paranormal erotica.
I would recommend this book & I will read more by this author.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 22 July 2012
my favorite...
My favorite type of book - Urban fantasy
My favorite type of paranormal - Shifters
My favorite way to read a book - Kindle
My favorite place to buy nerdy book tee's - My Cafe Press Shop
My favorite place to read - In the sunshine in my garden.
My favorite type of lead - Super kickass female protagonist
My favorite Xmen - Jean Grey
My favorite Drinks - Lemon Drops, Moscow Mules, Dr Pepper & Peach flavored water.
My favorite Foods - Enchiladas, Pizza & Carrot sticks.
My favorite Colours - Peacock Blue, Teal & turquoise.
My favorite Band - Queen
My favorite Films - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time/Kill Bill/Sin city/Matilda
My favorite Places - Delft, The Netherlands/Gigha, Scotland/Poitou-Charentes region of France.
My favorite type of paranormal - Shifters
My favorite way to read a book - Kindle
My favorite place to buy nerdy book tee's - My Cafe Press Shop
My favorite place to read - In the sunshine in my garden.
My favorite type of lead - Super kickass female protagonist
My favorite Xmen - Jean Grey
My favorite Drinks - Lemon Drops, Moscow Mules, Dr Pepper & Peach flavored water.
My favorite Foods - Enchiladas, Pizza & Carrot sticks.
My favorite Colours - Peacock Blue, Teal & turquoise.
My favorite Band - Queen
My favorite Films - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time/Kill Bill/Sin city/Matilda
My favorite Places - Delft, The Netherlands/Gigha, Scotland/Poitou-Charentes region of France.
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1) by Bree Despain

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: YA Paranormal, YA PR, YA UF, YA Werewolf/shifter, UF, Werewolf/shifter, Paranormal, PR - fans
Cover - I <3 it, it is very pretty.
Favorite Line - "Howy Shwit" & "Superpowers are a little more intense than armpit hair & zits"
Favorite Character - Grace
You know sometimes you can read a great book but you aren't hooked to it, you can put it down & go back to it... this isn't one of those books. This is a book that grabs you & makes you want to not put it down until its finished, it is a book that makes you want to cross your legs instead of going to the bathroom. It isn't a super high suspense novel (though it certainly has its moments), it is just so interesting & well written that you do not want to stop.
I have had this on my Amazon wishlist for ages & i finally picked it on PB a week ago, i was hoping for awesomesauce & i certainly got it :)
I loved the characters, the dialog & emotion between them is so believable. I thought the story was really great, I loved all the surprises through-out the book. I wrote down so many "favorite lines" in this book, it was ridiculous how many awesome lines the author could cram into this book. It wasn't predictable, i was surprised by the ending - it made me wish i had the next book in series like *right that second* to continue reading. It also wasn't wrote in a childish way, it is a YA book but it is written in a way that even non-YA can love it.
I would recommend this book & I will read more by this author.
View all my reviews
4 stars,
4+ stars,
Saturday, 21 July 2012
44 (44, #1) by Jools Sinclair

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: YA Paranormal, Paranormal, Ghost, Psychic fans.
Cover - Very fitting for the book.
Favorite Line - "My life is good, most days. But this morning wasn't like most days."
Favorite Character - Jesse
I wasn't expecting much from this book after reading some of the other goodread's reviews but i was pleasantly surprised. It is a really interesting story with twists & turns. It is quite dark for a YA but i like that - life isn't sunshine & bunnies for most teenagers so i think book's should reflect that. I am 24 so not YA but i still liked it. I was surprised by the ending as well so it wasn't predictable.
I would recommend this & i am planning on reading more in the series.
View all my reviews
Friday, 20 July 2012
In the Dark by Farleigh Greyson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: PR Fans
Cover - It is a fine cover, i don't love it or anything but i like that its different from most werewolf book covers (i.e a moon & a wolf)
Favorite Line - "When the end comes, it usually comes unexpectedly"
Favorite Character - David
I normally don't read multiple point of view stories so this was a nice change. I really enjoyed the book & the way it was written. It was really clear who's thought or dialog it was, no confusion like some multiple pov stories i have read.
I liked all the characters & the interactions between them. I was really drawn into the story & i felt like it ended so fast because of this. I would love to read any other books in the series & find out what else happens with them.
I would recommend this book & I will read more by this author.
View all my reviews
In my previous update i mentioned how i keep book's on my amazon wishlist incase they go down in price or go free - well lucky me i picked this up free!
4 stars,
Dirty Bit,
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Blood and Loss (Cassandra Myles Witch Series #1) by Electa Graham

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Oh it was a 4+ for sure.
Cover - It is ok. Could be better.
Favorite Line - "No wonder i couldn't get anyone to have sex with me, i had bad breath, nest like hair & i smelled like a corpse"
Favorite Character - Cass
This book is awesome, I was surprised by how much i enjoyed it. It was funny, sweet & sexy. I laughed out load quite a few times. It had a great mix of emotions & dialog. I honestly was surprised by how the story turned out as well - it is always a plus to not read a predictable book. The characters were interesting & i was totally draw into the relationships between them.
I would recommend this book & i look forward to reading more in this series.
( - more reviews on F/P/UF/PR/PE)
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Laughing out loud
I went on my amazon wishlist just a few minutes ago to check out the prices of the books i have listed on it, i do this quite a lot as Indie authors seem to drop prices or if i am lucky list their book as free from time to time. So tonight i was flicking through & sadly noticed a lot of price increases the worst had to be "Price increased 201%" i mean holy hell thats a lot - guess i should of bought the book before, ay?
Anyway I'm off to read a book hopefully before bedtime, peace out readers x
Book of Curses (The Renning Chronicles, Book 1) by L.D. Hutchinson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3.5/4 stars
Recommended for: YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal.
Cover - I think the cover is cool looking & intriguing.
Favorite Line - I actually forgot to highlight a fave, i really liked all of the poems though.
Favorite character - Raine
I didn't get into the book straight away, i was unsure for a while whether or not i would like the book. I did eventually get into it & get drawn into the story. So much so i was disappointed when the book ended.
It was an imaginative world & story that the author created. Lots of new & interesting ideas. I look forward to see more of it in the following books.
I would recommend this book & i am planning on reading more in the series.
View all my reviews
3.5 Stars,
4 stars,
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Cursed Secrets (Legacy of Secrets #1) by Lisa Logue

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It is actually more like a 3.5 but i didn't want to mark it down so i went with 4 stars.
Recommended for: PR Fans, UF Fans, Paranormal fans
Cover - I prefer the kindle cover to the paper back, i am not sure why though.
Favorite Line - "For someone who is supposed to be a knight in shining armor, you're acting like an ass in aluminum foil."
Favorite Character - Lia
I found the book interesting. The characters were likable & easy to read, the dialog between them was believable. Lia wasn't particularly weak or strong she is a mixture of both, she has wicked awesome powers. The other secondary characters are interesting, I find myself wanting to know more about Austin.
I thought the book ended too quickly & rather abruptly.
I would recommend this book & I would read more in this series or by this author.
View all my reviews
3.5 Stars,
4 stars,
Monday, 16 July 2012
Taken by Storm (Raised by Wolves, #3) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If i could of given this book more than 5 stars i would of.
Recommended for: YA UF, YA PR, YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal, PR, UF, Fantasy, Paranormal, Wolf, Shifter - fans.
Cover - I like it, I think though that if this really is the last book that she should of been facing forward.
Favorite Line - “Two psychics, two werewolves, and a psychic human alpha walk up to a crime scene...”
Favorite Character - Bryn/Chase Tie
This book was surprise after surprise, action & then more action. Twists & turns throughout. It was fast paced & it was extremely emotional. I loved this book, i have loved the entire series & this book cements it as a favorite for me. The writing & editing are perfect as always. The story is new & fresh, it is the same pack I love but with new challenges. The book is not a stand-alone so make sure you read the other two first.
This book made me think that my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I cried like it was raining from my eyes. Once i started crying my eye's weren't dry until i finished the book.
So many things happened & changed and even though the book did not go the way i had hoped the series would i still loved it.
I loved this book & i would recommend it.
If anymore books in the series are released i will read them as soon as i can.
View all my reviews
5 Stars,
5+ Stars,
Raised by wolves,
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Niki Slobodian, #1) by J.L. Murray

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Recommended for: UF Fans, Fantasy Fans, Paranormal Fans.
Cover - I don't really like it, i figure that it is meant Niki on the cover but i think the person looks like a man so it doesn't work for me.
Favorite line/quote - "I imagined falling into it would be like Alice following the white rabbit down the rabbit hole"
Favorite Character - Abbandon
This book is an urban fantasy with a female protagonist who can see dead people. The story follow's her getting hired to solve the mystery of who summoned the demon & why. Niki is an interesting character with a lot of back story (most of which is not mentioned in this story, i guess as the series goes on you will find out more about it). Everyone in the book actually seemed to have a lot of history.
I enjoyed the story & the ending. I feel like it could be the start to a really good series and i exciting to see how it will go.
I would recommend this book & I will read more in the series.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Trial by Fire (Raised by Wolves, #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Recommended for: UF fans, YA UF Fans, Fantasy fans, YA PR fans, YA fantasy fans, Wolf/Shifter fans
Cover - Yip totally see it as Bryn, believable. The cover suits the book you wouldn't expect it to be beautiful as that's not what the book is about.
Favorite Line/Quote - “I wasn't entirely sure how to reply. Blow me and Screw you both seemed like strong contenders, but the peanut gallery in my head appeared to be favoring castration.”
Favorite Character - Bryn (last book it was Callum) but i still <3 Lake.
I don't know about you but for me most of the time a book being in a series makes it like 10x better than being a stand-alone book. The only time it doesn't help is if i do not enjoy the book! So as i was saying i was already invested in Bryn & the rest of her pack, I only read the previous book last night so everything was uber fresh in my memory.
I think i maybe even liked this book more than Raised by Wolves but i loved them both so it is hard to tell :)
Bryn really blew me away, I love when the lead has struggles & has to be strong. She is like my prefect character. Add to the fact is it a wolf book = perfection!
This book wasn't a remake of the first book (as some books in a series are) it was a totally new story & i loved it. It also did not go into a huge re-con of the previous book which i was glad of because they can be so boring.
I am so looking forward to reading Taken by Storm (it get's delivered tomorrow) and seeing where the story goes next.
I loved this book, i would recommend it & I cannot wait to read the next in the series :)
View all my reviews
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Raised by Wolves (Raised by Wolves, #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have waited a long time to read this book, i finally ended up buying it as a PB (kindle sacrilege!) as it was far cheaper that way. I am now glad i waited as i will get to read all three in the series back to back but i think if i had even guessed how amazing it was going to be i would of bought it months ago instead of just wishlisting it on amazon.
Cover - I like the colours & the scene. After reading the book I can totally picture bryn as the model & the scene as a scene out of the book.
Favorite Quote - “There wasn't an in-between for me. I lived at extremes. And maybe I'd die at them too.”
The story was mind blowingly fantastical :) I love a wolf story - it is by far my favorite, if it is UF wolves then *ding ding! we have a winner* when it comes to me. I was expecting a lot from this book as i have read its reviews & seen its rating. The book did not disappoint me in the slightest. Since i has read most YA wolf stories that are out you would think that it would blend with the others but no, it stands out like a candle in the dark - a bright shining light of brilliance. It was edited perfectly, i found no faults in the entire book. I loved the characters & the complexity of there relationships.
I would recommend this book & i will of course read more in the series (I am almost trying to rush this review so i can start the next book straight away!).
Similar themed books i would also recommend are -
Shiver Dark Heart Forever Six Moon Summer Finding Sky
View all my reviews
5 Stars,
Sci-fi Romance,
Friday, 13 July 2012
Wish upon a star..
I don't know about you but I am a wishlist-er. I love my Amazon wishlist, I hope one day someone will go through it & buy me all the books :) - welcome to fantasy land, population me!
Anyway I have had quite a few book on it for it for over a year. The main reason i will not buy a book is price & my secondary reason is Kindle availability. Since swapping to a kindle i don't really like reading paperbacks. That being said sometimes i find that i can get a paperback version of a book cheaper than a kindle copy, I think that is ridiculous but *shrug* i don't control prices.
This week i went a little crazy a bought a few paperbacks that have been on my wishlist for what feels like forever.
Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Trial by Fire: A 'Raised by Wolves' novel by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
You're Only Old Once by Dr. Seuss
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
Dark Heart Forever by Lee Monroe
Dark Heart Rising by Lee Monroe
and this hadn't been on my wishlist for long but i got this pb too
Entice by Carrie Jones
I am a huge fan of Smashwords & Amazon freebies. I also get given books to review by authors sometimes. My local library is tiny (country living) so they almost never have books i like but i totally support libraries & think everyone should use them! I trade pb's with my friends also.
I will be reviewing all of the book soon to check my blog again soon :)
Anyway I have had quite a few book on it for it for over a year. The main reason i will not buy a book is price & my secondary reason is Kindle availability. Since swapping to a kindle i don't really like reading paperbacks. That being said sometimes i find that i can get a paperback version of a book cheaper than a kindle copy, I think that is ridiculous but *shrug* i don't control prices.
This week i went a little crazy a bought a few paperbacks that have been on my wishlist for what feels like forever.
Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Trial by Fire: A 'Raised by Wolves' novel by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
You're Only Old Once by Dr. Seuss
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
Dark Heart Forever by Lee Monroe
Dark Heart Rising by Lee Monroe
and this hadn't been on my wishlist for long but i got this pb too
Entice by Carrie Jones
I am a huge fan of Smashwords & Amazon freebies. I also get given books to review by authors sometimes. My local library is tiny (country living) so they almost never have books i like but i totally support libraries & think everyone should use them! I trade pb's with my friends also.
I will be reviewing all of the book soon to check my blog again soon :)
Broken by Dean Murray

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Okay it was a 3.5 but i couldn't justify rounding up this time.
I liked the cover, totally relates to the story.
I did enjoy the story BUT there were a few things that i did not like.
Adri was my main problem. I really do not like a weak main character - i am all about the kickass or at least a strong lead. I understand that some teenage age girls really dig a weak character as they identify with it (or something *shrug*). It was however not for me.
(view spoiler)[The other HUGE thing that totally pissed me off was that Adri totally flitted between Brandon & Alec. I honestly found it hard to believe anyone would be happy with a girl that one minute "loves" someone & then is apparently in love with someone else. Also i think the author made Alec out to dislike Adri too much because it took me ages to even consider them together. (hide spoiler)]
So I would say that even though i will not read anymore in this series that i would recommend it to some people. I think it totally depends on what you are into - as i mentioned she is not my type of lead.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I enjoyed this book a lot. I picked it up from Amazon UK as a freebie & I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the story. I will mention however that there are a few spelling mistakes, I would recommend the author get's it re-edited as this can put a few people off - infact i would be happy to re-read it & highlight the error's if that would help.
I liked the characters and I think i might of got a mild book crush on Liam :)
I am 24 years old so not really a YA but i still enjoyed this book, I think it would appeal to a variety of ages. It is not wrote in a childish way that some YA books are.
I will not re-blurb the story or give spoilers as there is not point - read the blurb yourself & then download the book :)
I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
View all my reviews
4 stars,
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Favorite line from the book: "May her light greet us in the dark of night" :'(
Cover - Interesting, i like the colours & the model - it intrigues me & makes me want to know who the man on the cover is.
I enjoyed the story, it was not an easy breezy story filled with happiness & sunshine - instead deep emotions & darkness. I read this book with an open mind & i was surprised to find a fantastic book. The book has many layers to it that need to be read to be understood. I could try explaining the book but to be honest i would not do it justice. I understand now why it received so many 5 star reviews. It was amazingly written & edited. I urge people to give this book a try.
I would recommend this book & hope that many other read this book & "get it" the way that i do. I look forward to reading more in this series & more by this author.
View all my reviews
Friday, 6 July 2012

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As i have mentioned before, everybody needs & bit of dirty now and then - this book is equal measures of hot sex & story. Enough of a story that you don't feel like you have read a porno. The stories are interesting & there is quite a lot action (both sexual ;) & the other kind)
I would recommend this book to others as i did enjoy it & i would read other stories by this author.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
The Mayfair Moon (The Darkwoods Trilogy, #1) by J.A. Redmerski

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I took this book on holiday with me thinking that it would be easy to put down (to do holiday things - swimming/sunbathing/etc) - yeah right! I started it in the afternoon & finished it that night. I barely made the dinner for my family, ha :) I did not want to put the book down - i just kept flicking page after page.
It was most definitively an easy & enjoyable read.
The cover is really creepy & intriguing. <3 It.
The story & editing are great. It isn't written in a childish way so I could really get into it. Being 24 (i.e not a YA) i find reading YA very hit or miss, this book is a hit for sure. The story wasn't easy to predict & had interesting twists throughout.
I am looking forward to the next book in the trilogy. I would recommend this book.
View all my reviews
4 stars,
Die, My Love

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Hmmm... I did enjoy this book & i did find it well written.. I cannot quite put my finger on what i didn't enjoy. Anyway it was interesting & i read it to the end. I do like Penelope's writing style & every other book i have read by her i have loved.
Would i read another in the series? Hmm most likely not.
Would i recommend this book? yeah there are a few people i can imagine enjoying it more than me.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 1 July 2012

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4+ but not quite a five.
Favorite Quote from the book - "Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It's called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don't do it halfway. Don't linger in whiner's limbo"
I have had this book on my kindle for a while, I put off reading it as from reading the blurb i wasn't sure i would really like it. I was proved wrong. I did thoroughly enjoy the story. It was a interesting idea, very original. I liked the writing style & it was edited perfectly.
I plan on reading the rest of the book's in the series & I would recommend this story to others.
View all my reviews
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